
Saturday, March 28, 2009

subjective perspective

We went to the MET today. While I enjoy going there, we almost always spend inordinate amounts of time trying to find the exhibit we're looking for. I am guessing any museum that size also has difficulty laying things out in an easy to follow system, but is it too much to ask for accurate signage? It would be ten times more enjoyable if there were color coded "follow me" lines or foot prints leading to the different galleries.

Still, the point I'm actually online to post is that while looking at the paintings today, we came across a painting of a work desk on a rug with a cat in the background. Two ladies close to the painting were having the same thoughts I was: the perspective in this painting is totally off! If your cat, desk, and rug were aligned like that in real life, it would imply a serious failure of gravity. One lady lamented that her teacher had given her a bad grade on a painting because of bad perspective, and yet here was this exhibit in the MET!

Art is so subjective, how does a teacher grade art? I know it's hard to grade written work. I used to grade my student's work on a complex rubric including mechanics (grammar), length, and ability to follow directions for the assignment. BUT, can you really take points off for a fragment that is used as a sentence when countless published authors regularly use fragments as sentences (especially when those authors are included in the text books for the same students who are learning about complete sentences)?
It's so subjective.

Maybe that's why I can never find my way around the MET- the layout must be organized in a perspective I'm not seeing. At least we're able to use E's firm's membership card and get in free, so even if we don't get to see exactly what we came to see, we're not disappointed.

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