
Friday, April 3, 2009

Waiting for Godot

We're going to go see a play called Waiting For Godot tonight. It stars Nathan Lane and John Goodman, so it should be funny.

I tried to embed a video, but if the embedded thing doesn't work out, check out this funny MonsterPiece Theater take on the play.

One of the things that surprised me about NYC was how many trees are actually in the city. They're everywhere. For a city, there are a lot of trees, and not just in the parks. They're along sidewalks and highways and on people's rooftop gardens. Slowly, these trees are starting to bud. Some have even started to bloom. Three cheers for spring!

1 comment:

  1. Three cheers for Spring, indeed. We have a big bush right outside our front door and every Spring it blooms like crazy with all these tiny pink flowers... and I know Summer is just around the corner. I can't wait for warmth. (I know, I live in southern California, what am I complaining about? But seriously, it's been cold. I need some heat.)

    Have fun tonight!


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