if you didn't roll it out onto the pizza peel,
don't go putting the sauce on until AFTER you've transferred the dough. Um. All I can say, is it's a good thing I cooked cause there may or may not be a big mess in the kitchen for E. He may need to wipe down the door to the fridge. And the cabinets under the counter. Possibly in one of the utensil drawers since it was was open.
And, once the dough is on the pizza peel,
don't let it sit for too long and thus get stuck to the pizza peel.
It makes a mess. (The floor may need extra attention- sorry E)...
And when the pizza gets stuck to the peel and you have to...er...finagle.... it onto the super hot baking stone and you realize that the pizza has stretched beyond the size of the pizza stone (because, you know, transferring it from the counter to the peel stretches things), maybe best to not squish the edges in. Kinda makes the dough uneven in places. Which sorta causes some of it to not be done all the way. Trust me.
If you're pretty sure you'll manage to make all these mistakes, be sure to put a lot of pepperoni on the pizza, and overload it with mozzarella. You'll lose some of the pepperoni when they burn to black disks. You'll want loads of mozzarella to make the dinner filling and yummy (mmmm...Mozzarella).
That's too funny, since we were just watching Alton Brown make pizza last night on "Good Eats." Maybe you should watch it on Youtube. LOL I just ordered out last night, though, so I can't say too much, huh?