
Monday, May 3, 2010

A bloggable day

The day started out like a Monday - gray and wet. I ran around getting some chores done before my afternoon appointment at the department of labor. My mother-in-law came to watch Ranger and I dashed out.

Let me tell you, the NY department of labor has its stuff together. On top of that, I felt like they all treated me (and the group) with respect and courtesy.  They spent almost an hour talking about all the different ways they could help you find a job, including resume help, seminars, etc.  Then each person met individually with a staff member. I met with someone specifically for veterans. He was most eager to help me.  Overall I was very impressed. That's a good return on my taxes!

When I got back to my neighborhood, I met my mother-in-law while she was taking Ranger for a little walk.  We parted ways and I headed home with Ranger...and boy was the weather starting to threaten us!  I put up the stroller's rain cover just as the first few droplets fell. By the time I reached that block's corner, it was raining sideways in torrents. I got right up close to the building so the wind wouldn't be quite as bad, but I had to cross two streets with some seriously strong crosswinds. Let's just say that no umbrella would have stood up to that (which is fine since I didn't have one with me). Ranger stayed dry and cozy. I can't say the same for me, but then again I kinda liked it.  There is something about jogging through the wind driven rain that just makes me smile.

Finally the icing on top of my great day- I got to go to an event sponsored by Help a Mother Out, NYCitymomma and compliatedmoma to help out BabybasicsNYC.  I met some great folks, and learned a few interesting things. The biggest being that I REALLY need to brush up on my mingling skills. *sigh* I'm just not a natural mingler, contrary to what E would say.  I can, when in my best form, make it look like I'm a natural socialite at ease with talking with others.  He would say I make it look easy. I would say I manage to have an out of body experience where the actress Theresa takes over and the rest of me looks on and frets over gaffs (did I really say, after meeting two guys with perfectly normal names, what happened to Bob? as though their names weren't normal enough).

Still, E and had a nice time, then capped off the evening at Da Ciro. They have this entree that is a must have; their website describes it as: FOCACCIA ROBIOLA DI CIRO - White thin focaccia filled with robiola cheese and drizzled with white truffle oil- I call it mouthfuls of deliciousness.  This is a treat we get maybe once a year (primarily because it's not super close).

Now we're sitting at home waiting for Ranger to settle down. I don't know why he's not tired. We certainly are.

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