
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Instant pancakes

We stayed at a Holiday Inn Express this past weekend, in PA. We were there for a wedding, which was lovely.

But my favorite part?

The pancake machine. You push a button and in a minute out came a pancake that actually tasted good. Not best you've ever had good, but good enough that I had three the first morning and shared with Ranger two the second morning.

If the thing was clear, I could have stayed there just watching it work.

*easily amused*

So, yeah...below, after some "leaving the city" pics, is a picture of the machine, as well as the one and only snapshot of me in my purple prego glory as we were leaving the reception.

1 comment:

  1. I totally get it. In the hospital where I had hte boys, after visiting hours were over for the night, they did something to the coffee/hot chocolate machine to make it free for the patients, and I LOVED to work that thing, often tempted for another cup of hot chocolate just to push the button again. LOL


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