Another lovely Valentine's day - before I met E, I hated the day and wished I could stay in and hide from the world. Now I have someone who holds my hand on the way to work, sends me flowers, and all the loving things husbands do (or should do) for their wives. On tap this weekend, a play called Pal Joey and a day trip to Mystic CT (because I was so emphatic about needing a break from the city). The flowers E sent had to be stripped of everything but the roses to make them cat safe, but they are still lovely and I just love flowers.
I hope you have someone to share this Hallmark holiday with, and if not, I hope you've bought yourself something nice. You deserve it (even if it's breaking your diet- though I
made up heard that if you eat chocolate covered strawberries, the fruit cancels out the chocolate).
Can't wait to hear about Mystic--I loved it there. Ate some awesome lobster at a shack near there--mmmmmmm!