
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

sew blue

I got this little sew machine and the first five minutes it worked great! Then the bottom tread came undone, and darned if I have not been able to get it back threaded despite what is probably hours of trying at this point. Every machine I've used has a metal rim that the tread is guided around so that the needle sorta picks up the thread on its own. But alas, not true with this little thing.  Ah well, at least it was less than $20.
Now I just have to figure out how to finish the bag I was making.  I have it all tacked (with uber glue).

I know I've been rather silent on the blog end of things, but I have had more unbloggable moments than usual of late, and I don't want to gush on and on about Ranger. There are plenty of great awesome wonderful mom blogs out there already.

We are putting a bid down on a place in Queens. I will let you know if it looks like it will turn out. cross your fingers.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could come over and try and help...not that I could necessarily get it, either. LOL Did it not come with a booklet with troubleshooting and stuff?


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